Writings by Robert Saucedo
Ode to a Lube Job - Goodbye, sweet Luby's
Baby Goats and Baby Cults - Two Texas Roadtrips
Petition Against White Guys Writing "Dawg"
I Come To Bury Taco Bell, Not To Praise It
Texas, I Think We Need To See Other People
There's Nothing Wrong With Being Nice
Killer Water Slides, Stealing Tires, and Dog Flu
The time I tried to do a seance with Texas A&M's dead dog mascot
I Reget Turning My Dorm Room Into A Haunted House
Who Done It? and an update on Where Wolf
I'm the guy who squirted mustard on your jeep
I'm scared of being killed by criminals
Everything I learned in life, I learned from Wizard
In which I realize I didn't win a writing contest as a kid
The misunderstanding of Superman as a religious metaphor
I was once fired for not smiling
Comic books killed my credit score
Stupid video store customers and the movies they love
My history as a narc
Please Tase Me, Bro!